city five Manizales-Colombia (by Jairo Lopez)


The city of Manizales is called “the open doors city” due to the cordiality of its people.

The Cathedral is one of the places you would like to visit when you come to Manizales. You could see a panoramic view of the city from its highest point. A French architect made the plans to rebuild it after it suffered a fire in 1925. It was finished in 1939 and you should not miss it in your visit.

“El Recinto del pensamiento” (Precinct of thought). It has a beautiful landscape; you will find it a place for peace and relaxation. There you will be able to do some bird watching, and it has a butterfly observatory, an orchid forest among other things. There is a hotel to stay inside this place.

“El Palacio de la gobernación” (The governance palace). This beautiful building has a republican-style architecture. It has beautiful facades, and it has a magnificent decoration inside. You will see decorations in plastic moldings. It is a yellow building. This palace was rebuilt after the city suffered a fire back in 1925.

“El nevado del Ruiz” (“El Ruiz” Snowy  mountain). It is an active volcano. You can watch if from the city. It is a part of the National Natural Snowy Park, but sadly, its snow is melting because of the global warming. In its surroundings, you will find hot springs that people consider medicinal. 

“Eco parque los Yarumos” (Ecological Park “Los Yarumos”). It is a tropical rain forest, and it is like a lung that breaths for the city, because it is located inside it. There are a lot of activities to do there. You could go canopying, you could climb a mountain or you could do a combination of swimming, climbing to surpass natural obstacles.

There are many good restaurants to eat in the city, which range in prices from very cheap to more expensive.

Definitely, Manizales is a wonderful place to visit.


  1. Hello, my name is Jairo López, I live in the city of Manizales and I am a Sports Coach for the "Liga Caldense de Wushu", as well as Sport Coach for the National Wushu Federation. I am a Psycology Student at UNAD.


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