City one (Cartago- Colombia by Jhon Freddy Ortiz)

The most cheerful sun of Colombia

Cartago, known as Colombia's happiest sun or the cradle of embroidery,
every year there is an exhibition of embroidery in the city during the Easter season, during which all the embroiderers gather to take the latest trends while preserving the culture of embroidery, thus attracting many tourists for an embroidered expo.
The city stands out for its two oldest architectures, such as the church, the cathedral and the Guadalupe church located in the center, and the important old Pedro Morales Pino conservatory, among its important sites are the pyramids spa, the isleta park which is on the banks of the old river, the restaurant with the best food and tradition is an old house, we have hotels for tourists, the most central is Cartago hotels, its facilities are spacious, and on the outskirts of the city is the hotel Danube.
in the city we find several sculptures that tell the story of Carthage


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City three (Medellin- Colombia by Christian Londoño)

city five Manizales-Colombia (by Jairo Lopez)